At ParcelQuest, our goal has always been simple and straightforward - to make your job easier. For nearly three decades, we’ve been providing our customers with vital parcel data in an easy-to-use, online format. In short, we help our customers navigate the complex world of property data. With ParcelQuest Appraise (formerly NDC Data), our goal is the same - to provide real estate appraisers with quick, second-source sales comparables data from a comprehensive collection of public records data, apn maps and search tools in a user-friendly format.
Why ParcelQuest?
In many ways, we think of ourselves as a parcel data education company. With so much data available and so many ways to use it, we’ll help you cut through the clutter to find exactly what you need. You can count on us for:
Data Expertise
Because of our familiarity with the data and our experience working directly with county assessors, we can be extremely helpful to you in your quest for information. You’d be surprised at how much information is available and how you can use it.
Superior Customer Service
We are dedicated to delivering what we promise - accurate, updated, property data combined with exceptional customer service. We’re based in Folsom, CA and when you call you’ll always get a live human to help you resolve your issue from start to finish. Your business matters to us and we want to ensure your satisfaction.
Commitment to Improvement
When we ask you how we can improve, it’s because we truly want to know! Your time is important. If you’re a new ParcelQuest Appraise user or trying out a new feature, give us a call and we’ll be happy to show you how to use the product quickly and efficiently. So, what would you like?
Product Stability
With a state-of-the-art infrastructure, our team of programming specialists work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure that our products are stable and perform reliably so that you can get your important work done.
Our History
Microfiche Publishers, Inc (1975)
In 1963, David Mulligan had an idea. While working as a title examiner in Napa, he grew tired of running back and forth to the assessor's office for information. Why not bring the data and maps to the real estate community? In forming Microfiche Publishers, Inc., he pioneered a billion dollar property information industry by creating a convenient, flexible and cost effective way of supplying accurate property data and parcel maps.
Microfiche Truck
Microfiche was a hot technology in 1970. With four planetary cameras, a 16/35mm film processor and a generator located in a semi truck, David Mulligan took on the task of reducing stacks of paper taller than himself to mere sheets of microfiche still used as archive material today.
The Owners
ParcelQuest was launched in 1995 by David's son Grant. The new company began delivering assessor's parcel data and plat maps via CD-ROM and the Internet and is now the sole provider of daily updated county assessor property data in California.
Pictured from L to R: Grant Mulligan, Gina Mulligan, Sony Nguyen, and David Mulligan.